WildFyr Documentation > Other Tutorials > WildFyr Development EoL Information

WildFyr Development EoL Information

What is EoL?

EoL stand for End of Life, this means that a product or service has reached the end of the product lifecycle which prevents users from receiving updates, indicating that the product is at the end of its useful life. No new updates will be released for the product unless stated otherwise, in the event a security vulnerability updates will be pushed to fix this issues.

Will I still be able to download/buy the product?

Yes! All purchased products and EoL products will still be available for purchase and download. WildFyr Development will never remove your access to purchased assets unless you have been blacklisted from the website. A product reaching EoL will not make it unable to download or use.

How often do products reach EoL?

Not very often, as of writing we have less then 5 products taht have reached EoL. Of all of our 100+ products less then 5 are good odds for me

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eol wildfyr development