WildFyr Documentation > Other Tutorials > Statement on PTD from August 2022

Statement on PTD from August 2022

This has been archived from the original post.

I want to preface this before you read anything. WildFyr Development IS NOT targeting anyone from PTD, LeakGuard, or CPS. This has been archived for educational purposes, WildFyr Development does not endorse attacking or harassing anyone outlined in this document.

Public Service Announcement

Hello everyone, I know I have not been really active lately and I have been working a lot in the background on custom orders, will show some cool stuff soon!

However, that is not what the announcement is about. As most of you know I was part of the PTD (Protect the Developers) team, I was a Supervisor and overseeded much of the database along side @oce_fbi (FBI) and @daddyeater3000 (Flash Modz). Fuel Development had owned and maintained this bot up until a few months ago when it was sold to another entity and has been turned completely inside out. I stopped using PTD a long time ago when they corruption started however I tried to keep under the radar for as long as I could collecting info and really seeing everything I could. As of this morning however I was found out and removed from the team (Not that I really cared or had any interest in staying on the team). I bring you information for you to make a decision on weather or not you would like to keep PTD in your servers and banning users.

First of all: Corruption

The owners have final say on who get and does not get banned. One of the owners happens to be a members of TLS staff team (And we all know how unhinged that team is and the false bans they create) So members I fought to keep unbanned would get completely thrown out the window and banned either way just "because they copied a 3D model" When in reality they purchased and converted it the same as Frankie did. As I write this they are blocking people from creating invites to the server... you know, the one where tickets and appeals are held not to mention reports... smh

Secondly: Staff Requirements

I'm going to be honest, when they started to lay out the requirements for staff I thought they were joking. Things like 1 hour a week of activity make perfect sense, and the strike system although childish still serves it's purpose, however, You have to attended bi-weekly meetings... for a ban database... Like come on what is there to talk about? bi-monthly would have been a much better fit. Moreover, you had to be professional in Discord, makes sense right? Wrong, see it's not only the PTD Discord, but every and all Discord server you are in. Didn't matter if it was just a server for you and your friends, or an actual developers server. You could be reported for unprofessional conduct in any of these servers and they removed a fair few good team members because of this (I have hired all of them to my new database because they do there job and they do it right, but more on that later). They are running this database like it is a FiveM server and we are the staff of said server, both myself and Flash agree on that and think it is atrocious.

Finally: Appeals

Appeals have been scuffed for a long ass time, well so has the rest of the bot... I tried to fix most of these issues and the PTD bot myself and FBI had ran, well a little smooth. Kind of like a RV on a gravel road, you can feel that the whole thing bumping around but it's tolerable. However the PTD bot that they are running now it's a total train wreck and the bot is either offline or at 18,000 ping. The appeals only lets you create 1 at a time to keep spam down however the database is so fucked that people who don't have open appeals still can't create new ones so they can't even be unbanned. It's an annoyance at this point and completely off the rails

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