WildFyr Documentation > Creating EUP > EUP Badge Creation > Transforming and Rigging
Transforming and Rigging
EUP Badge Creation - Transforming and Rigging
Now that we have textured the badge it is time to move it to it's final location on the chest. Using the EUP Badge DEV Kit or your own imported badge move your mesh to the location of the old badge, after it is in a location that works for you select the old badge and enter "Polygon Mode" and select the old badge, press delete on your keyboard. Using the attach tool attach your mesh onto the badge.
A useful tip is to change your axis mode to "Local" from screen. This way the badge will stay where you put it and will only rotate along it's own axis.

Now you want to import the USE_ME_TO_RIG.ydd
from the DEV kit, or your own badge .ydd for the rigging process. File>Import
and select your .ydd, make sure "Slice to parts" is turned off, and click "Import". Next you want to select the newly imported ".mesh" and turn on "Isolated", then head to Display>Copies local axes from one node to another
. Using Isolated mode click to copy the use me to rig badge and move over to your badge, click again to copy the axes. Next select Rigging>Copy vertices weights between or within object
and do the same thing you did for Coping the Axes, it will take a minute but the rigging should copy over. You can now turn off Isolated, and hide the old badge
I forgot to also add in this that you need to set the properties to your mesh, select it using alt+click
on the hierarchy then head over to the properties tab, head into Vertices>Format and make sure "Normals", "Tangents", "Primary Colour", "Secondary Colour", and "Rigging" selected, also the values of "Max Rigging Bones" to 4 and "UV Channels" to 2.

Under Rigging select the Rigging>Binds marked skeleton/bone with selected objest(s)
and Select>Marks/unmarks elements by right-clicking. M
, With the GTA Skeleton (If you don't have the DEV kit you will need to make or get your own) select the center sphere and the whole skeleton should turn yellow then click on your badge. To ensure that it is fully rigged turn off Mark and select the move tool, right click on the center sphere again and enable Bones>Inverse Kinematics
select the bone node around the stomach and move it, if the badge moves you have fully rigged the model!
Don't forget to press ctrl+z
to undo the Skeleton movements

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