WildFyr Documentation > Creating EUP > EUP Badge Creation > UV Mapping and Material Setup
UV Mapping and Material Setup
EUP Badge Creation - UV Mapping and Material Setup
It's now time to make your textures line up with your mesh, first we need to make sure that your mesh is upright in the top viewport so the UV Mapping is correct. In the top left of the viewport select the drop down and choose "Top" from the list, then head over and select your mesh. Knowing ZMod and how it imports OBJ's it is probably looking a little upside down, to fix this simply select the rotate tool and click on the mesh once, a textbox should appear and type "180" in the angle area. Now we can edit the UV Mapping, right click on the mesh and select Mapping>Edit UV
. You want to ensure your settings are as follows:
- Edit UV Channel Map #
- Generate New
- From viewport XY
- Force Mapping onto Material
See photos to ensure you have everything set up correctly and then click OK.

Again in the top left change the viewport to "UV Mapper" and in the bottom left in the Material drop down select your material. You should see your badge mesh outline on the UV Mapper, if you don't you did something wrong in the last few steps, go back and make sure everything is the same. Now you want to apply the material to your mesh, open the materials panel and select the PED Material and drag it onto scene selection to apply it to your badge, you should now see your material colours applied on your mesh and we can start the mapping process. In the UV Mapper select the mesh outline and drag it over to the badge on your texture. Once that is done, your texturing process is done. We now need to move the badge so it is in line where it should be.

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