WildFyr Documentation > Creating EUP > EUP Badge Creation > Zanoza Modler 3

Zanoza Modler 3

EUP Badge Creation - Zanoza Modler 3

We will now import the OBJ into Zanoza Modler 3 (ZMod), and also make the Texture, the Normal Map, and the Spectral map. Lets get right into it. If you have the EUP Badge DEV Kit now would be the time to open the badge-creator.z3d file in ZMod, if not import a default EUP badge of your choosing. Next you want to head to the top left and click File>Import and using the file explorer navigate to your saved OBJ and click import.


Importing the OBJ

Now in Photoshop edit the badge texture, in the DEV Kit there is a PNG named WildFyr#0008.png use this, if you don't have the DEV kit export the diffuse texture from your badge. You want to add your badge somewhere on the texture that is not in use like scene below. Next using THIS WEBSITE with the settings shown below export a Normal Map. Make sure the name of your normal map is the same as it is in ZMod, in the case of the DEV kit it should be "WildFyr#0008_map.png". Last but not least we need a Spec Map, the DEV kit includes one however if you need to make one I recommend using a Dark or Navy blue.

Creating Diffuse
Normal Map Baking

Replace all the textures in the texture browser with the new ones you just created and we are ready for the next step!

Replacing Textures

::: info

Also note: Your material should be "Adapt ped" If it is not check this image on how to do so


Adapt PED

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