WildFyr Documentation > FiveM Tutorials > Flawless Widescreen/Custom FOV FiveM

Flawless Widescreen/Custom FOV FiveM

Custom Client Sided FOV and FOV Slider

Are you sick of the default FOV in GTA? For the longest time I have wanted to customize the FOV to better suit my needs. I finally figured it out and wanted to share with everyone else too!

  1. Download Flawless Widescreen and install it

2. Find Grand Theft Auto V and install it, then close Flawless Widescreen

3. Download this plugin for the updated version of GTA V

4. Navigate to C:Program Files (x86)Flawless Widescreen and drag in the contents of the .zip into it

5. Open WSGF_Plugins/Modules/GTAV/Dependencies/Scripts and open the GTAV.lua with VS Code or any other text editor of your choice.

6. At line 31 change "Grand Theft Auto V" to "FiveM%R by Cfx.re" and "GTA5.exe" to "FiveM_b2944_GTAProcess.exe". Don't forget to save the file before closing.

Note that the GTA Process will be different depending on what Game Build your server is using, you can see all Game Build Subprocess by navigating to FiveM/FiveM.appdata/cache/subprocess and set the Process_EXEName to what ever one you and your server use.


7. Start Flawless Widescreen and Choose Grand Theft Auto V (updated) and configure it to your liking (You can also start FiveM after this process and mess with the sliders whilst in-game to tweak it further)

Flawless Widescreen

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