WildFyr Documentation > Ship Of Harkinian Tutorials > Extracting Textures form 2Ship2Harkinian and Ship of Harkinian

Extracting Textures form 2Ship2Harkinian and Ship of Harkinian

2Ship2Harkinian O2R and Ship of Harkinian OTR

I will show you how to take your mm.o2r, oot.otr and even mq.otr and extract them using Retro. After you have extracted the files you can edit textures, models, and so much more!

Firstly you need your o2r or otr file, if you do not have one simply take your legally acquired MM/OoT/OoTMQ ROM file into the same folder with your 2Ship2Harkinian/Ship of Harkinian program and run it. When prompted generate your .o2r/.otr file.

Generating O2R
Selecting ROM

Extracting Texture with Retro

Next we want to open our .o2r/.otr files in Retro, so we can extract the N64 Texture binaries to workable PNG files, open Retro select "Create OTR/O2R", "Replace Textures", click "No", and then select your OTR or O2R file.

In Retro you want to select your OTR file, and click Process, it will now ask you for a folder to work out of, make a new one and open it to select.

Importing OTR
Selecting a new folder
Exported Textures

Closing thoughts

Creating custom texture for 2Ship2Harkinian can be really fun, I wanted to make this tutorial so others too can start experimenting on their own. If you make something cool be sure to show me in my Discord server!

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