WildFyr Documentation > Photoshop Tutorials > Creating Vector Patches

Creating Vector Patches

Vector Patch Logos

Here we are going to create a vector patch to use in the Embroidered Patch Tutorial.

Starting your patch

First things first you need to find the base design you want to use, I am going to create a patch that looks like the NYPD logo, so I am going to start with the logos base design.

Logo base

Pro Tip:

You can turn on rulers and set a guide in the center of your canvas to ensure your logo stays in the center! Go to View>Rulers or press CTRL+R, then drag from the ruler down, it should snap to the center

You can also take an existing logo and trace it with the pen tool. Be careful as tracing logos can be considered copyright infringement so make sure you are using open sourced or copy right free logos!

Adding text to your patch

To add text, you want to make sure you follow the contours of the patch, using the pen tool (P) make a curved line where you want your text to curve (If you do not want curved text, or don't have curved text you have just make a text box to type in). Then click on your patch with the type tool and your text will start flowing along the path.

Text on the Path

Logos and other finishing touches

Adding logos is a great way to finish your logo, here I made a simple cross including 4 different icons that represent San Andreas: the state animal, the beaver; the blue star from the flag; a version of the SASP logo; and mount Chiliad. Remember keeping a small colour pallet is the best for making the logo into a patch later. Also having to many complex designs and colours can be lost when the patch gets scaled down to a shirt. So keep that in mind.

Finished Logo

Final thoughts

So making logos seems super easy, but it takes time to create good logos. When you first start out try something small, and work your way up. Don't be afraid to take constructive criticism from others too, they might see something you don't. If you need any help Join my Discord and ask in the Support Forum.

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