WildFyr Documentation > Photoshop Tutorials > Creating Embroidered Patches

Creating Embroidered Patches

Let's Make an Embroidered Patch

What you will need for this Tutorial

Don't have Photoshop?

Don't worry! WikdFyr Development offers Patch Custom Orders, we will make your patch for you and take care of it all!

Creating a patch is all about making sure you have a good logo, You want to make sure the text if there is any is very readable and shouldn't be very thin. Once you have the right logo. For this demonstration I am going to use the German GSG-9 logo. You want to import it into Photoshop and make sure the canvas is at least 3000x3000px

GSG-9 Logo

Separating Colours

Next you want to separate your logo's colours into different layers, this will make creating the logo easier in the next step. Simply choose a Marquee tool and select the colour. I recommend using the Magic Wand tool with Contiguous checked off. Click on one of your colours and then using the ctrl+j shortcut, copy your selection to a new layer. Clean up any rough edges, these will just get in the way when rendering your patch. Don't worry about deleting them, there won't be any holes in your logo when we are done. Repeat this step for any other colour, it might also be helpful for you to name each layer what the colour is so you don't get confused later.

Selecting colour
Removing rough edges

Creating the patch

Lets first pick a colour to start with and select that layer. Now in the Realistic Embroidery fly out window click on Boarder. Now you Photoshop will start to do a lot of stuff, don't worry as this is normal and just let it do it's thing, you will know it is done when it turns Red. Next you can select a Fill Area size and click the Fill Area Button, or you can skip right to Render. I will show you have each looks and you can pick what one you want. Remember, you can Fill the Area multiple times until it is fully filled. After you have Rendered the patch, open RE Main folder and hide both Boarder Colour and Filling Colour. Then right click on the RE Output folder and click Convert to Smart Object. Repeat this for every colour.

Setting Up RE
With Fill Area
Without Fill Area
Converting to a Smart Object

Adding Colour to the patch

Take your original image and change it's Blending mode to "Overlay" and put it at the top of your hierarchy. After that you can export the PNG and there is your patch! If you need any help Join my Discord and ask in the Support Forum.

Finished Patch

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